ND2070 ND SatCom SKYWAN IDU 2070 MF-TDMA Módem w/enrutamiento IP

• Codificación de canales Turbo-Φ
• Modulación 8PSK, QPSK y BPSK con una amplia gama de tasas de código y tasas de símbolos
• Codificación de canales Turbo-Φ
• 8PSK, QPSK y modulación BPSK con una amplia gama de velocidades de código y velocidades de símbolo
• Alto rendimiento con velocidades de datos de módem de hasta 10 Mbit/s
• Enrutador IP integrado con reenvío prioritario basado en QoS, compresión de encabezado robusta
ND SatCom SKYWAN IDU 2070 MF-TDMA Modem w/IP routing
Summary |
The IDU 2070 is an MF-TDMA modem with built-in IP routing, frame relay switching and support for multicast transmissions. It includes the most comprehensive feature set of the SKYWAN remote product family. Each IDU 2070 includes one Ethernet/Fast Ethernet port and up to four serial or Frame Relay ports thus providing a full range of standard IP and legacy interfaces with support for protocols such as V.24, HDLC, X.25 plus analog and digital voice channel capability. The IDU 2070 has the capability to supply a low power BUC such as the RFT 2000 series and to supply power to the LNB. The WGS compliant IDU 2070 supplies only power to the LNB. SKYWAN IDU 2070 offers military-grade features and options to meet the growing governmental demand for highly secure and reliable communications. The embedded cryptographic module is compliant to the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 Level 3 providing certified encryption algorithms (AES 256) and tamper-evident physical security mechanisms. The SKYWAN IDU 7000 modem is compliant to the Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) system delivering high signal quality over WGS and commercial satellites. SKYWAN combined with the Ranger antenna builds a lightweight, easy deployable terminal configurable for C, X, Ku or Ka-Band whereas the X-Band configuration is XTAR, DCSC & WGS compatible. SKYWAN FAD – Designed to provide maximum network performance and reliability in low-bandwidth environments, this universal access device reduces network infrastructure costs and simplifies WAN connectivity for mission-critical applications. The voice and data compression technology, prioritization and multiplexing capabilities and the ability to route all traffic over a highly efficifient cell-relay based protocol, make it the product of choice for converged voice and data applications over satellite. The SKYWAN FAD provides a safe migratio path from legacy TDM or Frame Relay networks to IP-centric networks. It includes support for the latest VoIP (SIP) standards and robust IP/Ethernet QoS. |
Key Highlights |
Key Features Government & Military • FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated Link Encryption • WGS compliant terminal: SKYWAN with Ranger antenna Key Features • Turbo-Φ Channel Coding • 8PSK, QPSK and BPSK modula on with wide range of code rates and symbol rates • High performance with modem data rates up to 10 Mbit/s • Integrated IP Router with priority forwarding based on QoS, robust header compression • Integrated Frame Relay Switch with 4 serial interfaces • Geographical redundancy with seamless switchover Proven solution for: • Tetra/Tetrapol • aMaDEUS Booking System • Satcom on the Move • ATC environments • News Contribution Networks • True single hop mesh/hybrid/star • Rooftop to Rooftop • Supports single channel star network |
ND SatCom SKYWAN IDU 2070 MF-TDMA Modem w/IP routing