VIKING ASC 300KU2-E Beacon Tracking Receiver with External Block Down Conveter Ku-диапазон (11,7-12,75 ГГц)
Приемник слежения за радиомаяками VIKING ASC 300KU2-E с внешним блокирующим преобразователем в Ku-диапазоне (от 11,7 до 12,75 ГГц)
Viking SATCOM - ведущий производитель и дистрибьютор коммерческих антенн для спутниковой связи. Viking Satcom предлагает подход «единого окна», предлагая и поставляя современные спутниковые антенны. Полная линейка продуктов, систем связи и аксессуаров доступна по выгодным ценам.
VIKING ASC 300KU2-E Beacon Tracking Receiver with External Block Down Conveter Ku-Band (11.7 to 12.75 GHz)
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VIKING ASC 300KU2-E Beacon Tracking Receiver with External Block Down Conveter Ku-Band (11.7 to 12.75 GHz)
The Model ASC300Ku2-E Beacon Tracking Receiver is a high performance unit that is designed to real time track the power density of a satellite beacon and output a DC voltage that is linearly proportional to the beacon power by utilizing a true, RMS-responding power detector. The ASC300Ku2-E will tune over Ku band satellites 11.7 to 12.75 GHz by utilizing an external block down converter. The frequency band must be customer specified.
VIKING ASC 300Ku2-E Feature: • Ku Band Satellite Beacon Receivers (External BDC) • Input Frequency: 10.7 to 11.75 GHz (#ASC300KU1-E) • Input Frequency: 11.7 to 12.75 GHz (#ASC300KU2-E) • Ethernet and Continuous Digital Streaming Options • Designed to real time track the power density of a satellite beacon and output a DC voltage that is linearly proportional to the beacon power by utilizing a true, RMS-responding power detector. • Applications: Antenna Tracking Controllers/Uplink Power Controllers |
VIKING ASC 300KU2-E Beacon Tracking Receiver with External Block Down Conveter Ku-Band (11.7 to 12.75 GHz)